One of the oldest forms of what originated as a sweetened bread is cake.  In its simplest form, it is flour, sugar, milk, eggs, and butter, but it can be so much more than just that.  Cake can evoke so many different emotions and memories in each of us.  From the modest, but much-loved birthday cake of our childhood, to the multi-tiered symbol of love, the wedding cake, to the rich, decadent torte we enjoyed during our last extravagant dinner.  Or perhaps it was that $5.00 cake at the grocery store which looked so good you couldn’t pass it up.  Today a celebratory Cake is a ‘must have’ for most cultures at every occasion … from the baby shower to the anniversary dinner to the retirement party.

Duff Goldman photographed next to one of his designer cakes, a floral wedding cake at Charm City Cakes West.

I am fascinated by the incredible cakes produced on some of the Food Network shows. Watching episodes of Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes can leave you feeling hopelessly inadequate as a baker.  But you must know that lavishly decorated cakes didn’t begin when the Food Network started showcasing these professional bakers and their cake masterpieces.  It began during the Victorian era.

When hubby and I have a weekend free, we love to spend a Sunday afternoon strolling around rural town centers, browsing through curiosity and antique shops.  Recently I came across a fascinating  book entitled The Victorian Book of Cakes, Recipes, Techniques and Decorations from the Golden Age of Cake Making”.  Not the original, this reproduction, written in 1958, is taken from the turn-of-the-century tome which was the standard for professional bakers during the Victorian era. The recipes range from petit fours to pound cakes, slab cakes and shortbread, to gingerbread and marzipan.

The illustrations in this book are remarkable in that they are not photographs but drawn capturing the precise details from each original baked item.  The images of wedding cakes are astonishingly beautiful, each having won prizes at the London International Exhibition 100 years ago.

The book has hundreds of recipes, which are quite interesting.  Most use the same simple ingredients, but with very minimal direction.  The cakes are generally traditional fruit cakes, with nuts, spices, and rum or brandy, such as the wedding cake Prince William and Kate Middleton served for their wedding.

For leavening agents, although they do not call it “baking powder”, a blend of ‘cream of tartar’ and baking soda (two pounds of cream of tartar to one pound of baking soda) is used – which essentially is ‘baking powder’ (invented by Alfred Bird in 1840).  Yeast or beaten egg whites were also used to lighten batters, all of which leads me to think that most of these cakes were probably more ‘bread like’ and quite dense.

In a Victorian bakery or pastry shop there would be a variety of cakes and biscuits for sale from scones and shortbread to meringues, marzipan and trifles.  This book gives the bakery owner, not only recipes for its ‘best sellers’, but advice on how to display these confections and what to charge … with cakes starting at a shilling.  One description for a “SHILLING GATEAU” is described as “very saleable and enhance the general shop display.  They should be made from a good Genoese base, either a light egg mixture or a closer-eating butter mixing.  The latter seems to be the favorite of the cake-eating public.”  How fun!  I guess we ‘cake-eating public’ like a ‘closer-eating’ mixture … whatever that may mean.

In addition to the advice and recipes are the original advertisements for all the baking essentials required, from flours and sugars to cake stands and ovens.  One advertisement which I found interesting was for a “vegetable butter” made from “cocoanuts, as an excellent substitute for butter, margarine and lard”.  Why has it taken us another 100 years to fully incorporate coconut oil into our baking?

Times may have changed and although some of the ingredients have stayed the same, progress seems to be  mostly in the preparation, and in the myriad of flavors we have today.

I’m sure you’ve probably realized by now that ‘I like to bake’.  Breads, cakes, cookies, it really doesn’t matter.  I find baking to be relaxing.  It also provides a much-needed creative outlet.  Taking an assortment of unrelated ingredients and turning them into, hopefully, a confection that not only tastes good, but is pretty to look at, is quite satisfying.  Not all my ‘bakes’ have been successful, of course.  In fact, some have been complete disasters, requiring a quick trip to the nearest bakery when it was an occasion for which I was to supply the “cake”.  But, for the most part, they’ve been pretty decent.

I’m not sure any of us would enjoy making the seemingly simple, but on closer inspection, overly-complicated recipes in this “The Victorian Book of Cakes” today,  but I do feel challenged to try my hand at making one or two – some shortbread perhaps?  Not that I would ever do what Julie Powell did with Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking.  But, then again …



Digestives!  What in the world could I be thinking!  Do you know what a Digestive Biscuit is? Honestly, it is a relatively unexciting cookie made with whole wheat flour, some oatmeal (not much), brown sugar and baking powder, but Brits love them … and they go so well with a good cuppa.  Fifty-two Digestive biscuits are said to be eaten every second of every day in Great Britain.  Prime Minister Gordon Brown caused a huge uproar in 2009 when he refused to acknowledge which manufacturer he thought made the best biscuit.  Digestives are a huge export item and are found in most grocery stores in the international foods aisle.  Of course, Hubby loves the chocolate covered ones, which makes this cracker-like cookie a little more interesting.  So, I’m going to ‘give them a go’.

In doing research for a good, authentic recipe, I’ve learned that Digestives actually originated during the elaborate Victorian period of Great Britain when long multi-course breakfasts and dinners were served. The Digestive biscuit was created as a way to ‘help’ aid digestion either after or before one of these marathon meals.  The thought was the whole wheat flour and oatmeal would add fiber and the antacid properties of baking soda would aid “digestion”.  Hence, the “Digestive“.

Producing 27 million biscuits every single day, the largest manufacturer of Digestives today is McVitie (pictured above).  They claim to have created this their signature product in 1894, the recipe for which is kept very secret, but they may have a problem.  Huntley & Palmers  claim to have created the ‘wholemeal biscuit’ in 1839, 55 years earlier.  But it seems even Huntley & Palmers may not be the creator.  An advertisement in theManchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser placed by J. Hutchinson, proprietor of Abernethy’s, on September 19, 1829 states that his biscuits are “… highly approved by medical men.”

This early recipe from the 1890 cookbook The Bread And Biscuit Baker’s And Sugar-Boiler’s Assistant by Robert Wells may be interesting, but I think I’ll  make them using  something a little more current.

“5 lbs. of granulated wheat meal, 1 lb. of butter, ¼ lb. of sugar, ¼ lb. of ground
arrowroot, 4 eggs, 1 quart of milk, ¼ oz. of carbonate of soda. These are mixed up
in the usual way, pinned out and cut with a small round cutter, docked and baked
in a moderate oven.”

If you haven’t tried a Digestive, they are not sweet cookies – more like a cracker – and I must admit these aren’t as good as the packaged ones (sometimes the original is just had to beat), but they are pretty darn close.  Not only can Digestives be served as an accompaniment to a dessert (especially the chocolate covered ones) or alone to dunk in a hot cuppa, they can also pair very nicely with a good quality cheddar and glass of wine.

Makes 3 dozen.  Bake at 350° for 20 to 25 minutes.

1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all purpose unbleached flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons rolled oats
1 stick butter, room temperature
3/4 to 1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup cold milk
8 to 10 oz. good quality bar chocolate
light cream

In a small bowl, sift together the dry ingredients.  In another bowl, with a mixer, cream the softened butter and brown sugar together.

Add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter/sugar and mix until well blended.  Add the cold milk and continue to mix well.  When thoroughly combined, dump the batter onto a floured pastry board.  Form into a ball and knead lightly.  Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate the dough for at least an hour or more (or even overnight if you’d like).

Preheat the oven to 350°.  Working with half the dough at a time, put the other half back into the refrigerator.  Working quickly, place the chilled dough onto a floured board and roll to 1/4″ thickness.  Don’t roll too thin or they will crumble after baking.  Cut with a 2″ cookie cutter (or smaller, if you want more cookies) and place on parchment lined sheet pans.  This is a very wet dough so flour your work surface and work quickly.

Prick the tops with a fork to keep the biscuits from rising.  When finished, roll out the second half of the dough and do the same.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 350° or until firm.  It is not necessary to have them brown.  The longer they bake, the crisper they will be.  Remove the pans from the oven and let them cool completely before transferring the cookies to a wire rack.

For chocolate Digestives, melt good quality bar chocolate in the microwave and then thin the melted chocolate with about 2 tablespoons of cream.  Mix well.  Either dip or spread the chocolate onto the cooled cookies.  These cookies keep very well for a week or more in a tightly sealed container.

Now put that kettle on (or open a nice bottle of red wine) and enjoy!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
References:  McVitie’s, Foods of England, Downton Abbey Cookbook, Food 52, Washington Post

